Augen zu und durch. Mit voller Kraft prescht das Power-Trio Dream Wife nach vorne. Mit ihrem Edgy-Guitar-Pop ist die aus UK und Island zusammengewürfelte Truppe gerade dabei, einen neuen Hype zu kreieren. Seit Ende Januar gibt es ihr selbstbetiteltes Debütalbum zu hören. Im Interview erzählen die Girls, wie es zu einem der ruhigeren Tracks, „Love without reason“, kam.
How did you write the track in the very beginning?
We normally write songs by someone having an idea and bringing it into the practice room, then jamming it through. We wrote and worked on most of the material on the album in this windowless practice room in Peckham, it was an intense space where we definitely explored new ways to express ourselves sonically, while also honing in on the essence of these songs as a body of work coming together. This song feels like part of a set, that is our debut.
What can you tell us about recording the song?
We actually recorded this song, and a lot of the album, on tape. So there is this live feel to getting the right take, you run out of tape so there is this finite amount of times you have to get the song down right. We worked with two producers, at EastCote studios, in London. The space in the studio was great because we could all play live and see each other in the room, while multi-track recording. The live vibes of that space are definitely in this track somehow.
What’s your personal favorite moment of the track?
The flow of this track is really nice, it has real light and shade, and a grunge finale. There are softer tender moments within this song, but it still rips it up.
How can I understand the lyrics?
With lyrics, it’s a case of writing and releasing a song and people will take whatever message away that they feel in the content of our songs, and understand our message as they will, for themselves. We have no control over that after the song is out there, like the way in which a song can speak to you, it’s personal and different for everyone. People will think whatever they think, but if you can take a message of love from this song in whatever way, that’s a positive thing. .
What’s your favorite one-liner?
When we play this track at a show, it’s a powerful and loving moment when we all sing this line together at the end of the song.
Why did you put the track at that position of the album?
The flow of the album felt natural, with Love Without Reason sitting where it does.
At what point of a concert would you most likely play it?
We play this song to take things down a little bit in our set, originally this was kind of a slow power ballad, but it’s kind of still a banger at the same time by now. So it’s fun to play maybe half way through a set, it adds a nice contrast to our more thrashy tracks.
At what moment should I play the song?
When you/if you want to feel overwhelmed by love.
Hört euch auch das selbstbetitelte Debütalbum an, welches eine Menge punchy Nummern zu bieten hat. Auf der Bühne müssten Dream Wife auch eine abgefahrene Show abliefern. Guckt auf Tour vorbei:
09.03. Berlin – Badehaus Szimpla
14.03. Hamburg – Molotow Skybar
15.03. Köln – Blue Shell